Giving Thanks

Four years ago, I didn’t know if I was going to make it. I had severed almost every family relationship in my life, was living a transient lifestyle, and was suffering severe trauma from sexual exploitation and trafficking. I was turned away from several shelters in the area I lived in, so I took a chance and called Alabaster Jar Project in San Diego. That decision was a game changer, and it continues to be a game changer. 

As a grassroots organization, Alabaster Jar Project thrives on the help of our neighbors and personal support. We cannot do what we do without everyone coming together to make a difference for the survivors whom we serve. So, I wanted to take a moment to say thanks. 

Thank you for attending our virtual gala, Cocktails for a Cause. We were able to raise $40,000! Taking time out of your day to participate in a completely virtual presentation truly did have an impact. 

Thank you to all who volunteer, whether that means as donating your acts of service or coming on board in a mentorship role for the survivors whom we serve. A handful of the volunteers who helped me, when I was at Grace House, contributed to shaping the independent person I was growing to be.  

Thank you to those of you who have donated food items, toiletries, and clothes to our Resource Center. To survivors in their later stages of recovery, having their basic needs met means that they do not have to wonder where their next meal is going to come from, or what they will wear to the interview that could change their life, among many other important steps they must take in their independence.  

Thank you to those who thought of us even in the midst of a global pandemic. While everyone in the entire world is struggling, you all still share our posts, spread awareness, or donate sponsorships. That means the world to us. 

There are so many times when we all sit watching the news, and we hear about all the injustices in the world. It may make us feel helpless, as if there is nothing we can do to help. By supporting Alabaster Jar Project, you are helping. You are spreading awareness. You are helping homeless victims of crimes find safe housing. You are not only supporting the “rescue” of trafficking survivors; you are making it possible that they can live healthy, independent lives.  

YOU make it possible that I can have an impact on other survivors who are just beginning to seek help. I didn’t go through all the trauma of exploitation for nothing. My life means something now. 

For that, thank you so much. 


In Gratitude, 





Health and Wellness Programming For Survivors