Make An Impact
Fuel the resources & team that make Alabaster Jar Project a reality. Any gift makes a difference.
To help keep AJP sustainable, please consider a monthly recurring donation.
Other Ways To Give
Amazon Wishlist
Our Amazon Wishlist is a personal collection of curated items. Purchase directly through Amazon, ensuring the guests we serve get exactly what they need.
Employee Matching
Ask your employer about Employee Matching opportunities available through your company. AJP is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization and may qualify.
Grant Opportunities
Grants can provide a substantial portion of funding for AJP and we don’t take these opportunities lightly. Let us know if you have a grant opportunity for AJP!
Rise Resale Shop
Rise Resale is a resale store for affordable shopping in Rancho Bernardo that donates a percentage of their proceeds to AJP.
Corporate Sponsorship
Choosing corporate sponsorship of AJP directly serves survivors of trafficking, helps raise awareness of the need, and highlights what your company really cares about.
Buy A Shirt
You can support survivors by purchasing an Alabaster Jar Project shirt to raise awareness and advocate for our survivors.
Rent Your House
Do you have a rental unit that you would be willing to rent to us or a survivor? Please connect with our team for the details.