
Human trafficking & sexual exploitation are an “invisible” problem, hidden in plain sight.

San Diego is in the top 13 places in the nation for American traffickers to sell American people, on American soil. Below are resources, video & stories that will give you a well rounded understanding of the problem.


Annual revenue

Sex trafficking is San Diego's 2nd largest underground economy after drug trafficking —an estimated $810 million in annual revenue.



About 80% of victims in San Diego County are from the United States.


years old

The average recruitment age in San Diego is 15 years old.

Expert Perspectives

San Diego’s District Attorney Summer Stephens on our community’s human trafficking issues.

Jaime Gates, PhD Professor of Cultural Anthropology and PLNU. Researcher, activist, program developer for 15+ years on anti-human trafficking.


World Without Exploitation

A community of organizations and individuals who share a vision and seek to leverage our unique skills and different backgrounds in the fight to end human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

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How to Talk About Human Trafficking with Children and Adolescents

Article from Baylor University

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The Life Story

Explore 13 moments when survivors, service providers, funders, advocates and allies can make a difference for girls and women in the sex trade — and learn more about the Life Story Initiative.

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View Runaway & Housing .pdf
View The Life .pdf

San Diego Trafficking Facts

A research agenda that would help develop robust measures of the scope of human trafficking in San Diego County. Of particular interest … the relationship between gangs and human trafficking.

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Human Trafficking Facts

11 Fact about human trafficking.

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KPBS - Scope of Sex Trafficking

KPBS article detailing the scope of sex trafficking in San Diego county.

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Polaris Project

Founded in 2002, Polaris is named for the North Star, which people held in slavery in the United States used as a guide to navigate their way to freedom. Today we are filling in the roadmap for that journey and lighting the path ahead.

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San Diego County District Attorney

San Diego resource for facts about prostitution and sex trafficking

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U.S. Department of State

Trafficking in Persons Report

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2015 Union Tribune Article

Group aims to heal trafficked women

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2016 Union Tribune Article

North County home for trafficking victims

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2017 Union Tribune Article

Providing a way out for victims of human trafficking

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Human Trafficking Forum: Ebony Jones | San Diego Union-Tribune

Prostitution is a Choice of Desperation.
National Center on Sexual Exploitation

The Guardian: Inside San Diego’s $810m Human Trafficking Industry